In the context of the European Parliament of People with Disabilities (EPPD), Digitool´s partner Autism-Europe is organizing a side-event at the European Parliament to present this Erasmus+ project and its results. The event will be hosted by MEP Chiara Maria Gemma (ECR, Italy) and will take place on 24 May 2023 both online and in-person.
Digitool will be presented by the project coordinator from Portugal, Inovar Autismo, AE’s member Autismo Sevilla and another project partner from Portugal, ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon. Autism-Europe’s Irish autistic board member Adam Harris from AsIam will kick start this first panel.
Inovar Autismo will provide an overview of Digitool, explaining its dedication to tackling barriers to education for autistic learners as the core mission of the project. Also, they will present the different objectives, partners and the path followed along these 2 years.
Autismo Sevilla will share the experience of our Spanish partner when delivering their courses to different teachers working in the city of Seville. Among other tools, Autismo Sevilla will provide information and benefits of augmentative and alternative communication systems, so the participants at the event will learn, from first-hand experience, how the Digitool experience has been in one of the countries involved in the project.
Eventually, ISCTE Institute of the University of Lisbon will present the evaluation of the Digitool outcomes, including the multi-resource toolkit and the different courses developed to train teachers on how to work with autistic students.
The conference will provide interpretation in English and Italian and it is running under the AE´s campaign “Building an inclusive society for autistic people” for World Autism Awareness Day.
Download the conference programme here.
Please register here to attend the conference in person, as the number of places is limited.
Please register here to attend the conference online.
Deadline for registration is 11 May 2023!
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