Learning Activity in Portugal

🟠DiGiTool project kicked off with an exciting learning experience in Leiria, Portugal. The project has been collaboratively designed to train teachers, to work with students with autism, using ICT.We exchanged good practices in autism education and in inclusive tourism through two study visits on local schools. We worked on solutions with design thinking methodology and…

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Kick Off online meeting, June 2021

Our newly started project “Digital including Tool” (DiGiTool) was collaboratively designed to train teachers (regular education / special education), to work with students with autism, using ICT tools. On June 2nd 2021, we held our Kick-Off online meeting of our consortium, consisted of : Inovar Autismo- Associação de cidadania e inclusão Associazione Diversamente OdV Autismo Sevilla Iscte – Instituto…

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